Thursday, September 29, 2011

English Paper

1.        Your biggest role model 

My biggest role model would have to be my dad. He always gives me helpful advice on things even though he is away a lot. My dad works for CEN a company that works with the European commission and he is the project leader. He can always answer my questions about logic and math but   he is not exactly Einstein in Science and that’s where my other role model comes in, mum. Mum has a Masters in some sort of science so she is very knowledgeable in science. With this little arrangement I can get all of my questions answered through just two people. My dad is a very persevering person. If the TV broke he would be standing behind it all day trying to get it to work.

2.       Define a “hero”/ “heroine”

I think of a hero as someone who helps other people whenever he or she can. He or she is always looked up to. You don’t need to be superman to be a superhero you just need to be kind willing to give and help and to explain your ideas openly. You need to be a very open minded person who is willing to accept other people’s beliefs, thoughts and ideas. You need to be a risk taker and sand up for what is right. You need to be able to help people when you can.
             A moment from your childhood

The one thing that I remember from my childhood is when dad would always put me on his shoulders. I used to love that he would throw me onto his head and we would walk along and I would sing and look around and generally have a good time until one day dad said. Your too heavy I can’t lift you anymore, and I think that was the saddest moment of my life.  One time I fell asleep on dads shoulders and he was walking for three hours with me drooping over his head. Once we got a really good picture of me on dads shoulders outside grannies house and we still have it sitting in the photo album.
             Something you would like to change in your life

I don’t want to change anything in my life apart from that I would love to have a twin brother the same age as me for me to play with. I’m not saying that I don’t like my four year old screaming kicking little girl actually quite the opposite I love her I can’t imagine what life would be like without her. But I would still really love to have an identical eleven year old twin brother, we could play games together and go to school together and talk, I would love to have someone to talk to.
5.       What are you trying to get better at, this year

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ORR- Reading Report

Outside Reading Response                                           Name:Alfie
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8   Date: 9/19/2011

Title:  Lies  Author:  Micheal Grant

Genre:    Action – Adventure

Pages read this week 312     TOTAL for QTR:                               

Reader’s Signature of verification    Alfie Norris Date       Parent’s Signature   Louise Norris Date

You may attach a word-processed document in lieu of a handwritten update

Report:           Describe what you have read and/or what is happening at this point in your reading? 

This book is the third in a series of books where in a small town in California one day everyone over the age of fifteen disappears and the town of Perido beach gets sealed off in a huge dome. A kid calles Sam assumes his place as leader along with his girlfriend Adtrid they make a council and try and restore order with the dwindling food shortages. But some kids start developing mutant powers and begin to fight with each other. The children from coates academy, a school for undisciplined children start fighting with Sam and his kids over who gets to control period beach. This entire series of books is about all of the difficulties they face and later on how Zil and his gang of thugs set fire to the town.

Response:       Your thoughts /ideas / impressions / concerns / questions re your reading

I found this series of books ver interesting and I would definitely recommend them they open up your mind to all of the possibilities and maybe life won’t always be the monotonous lumber that it is usually. I also really enjoyed this book because it is in one of my favourite genres and with many different plots all running simultaneously.

Significant Passage or Quotation:                            (~1-4 sentences, provide page #)
‘Nice place,’ Sam said, looking around at his rocky perch. ‘If only I `had a cooler of some sodas and I’d be all set.’ 65%

Thoughts about this passage:           (Why did you choose it?  What does it reveal about your reading?)
His sarcsasm explains how little food they have.


·          You should complete 40 pages of outside reading each week 
·          Reading may be associated with class assignment.
·          You will complete 6-8 updates during the quarter, one every week, to be turned in when specified 
·          Each update should cover 40 pages of outside reading.
·          You will earn full credit for each thoughtful and complete update.
·          You will complete and submit a culminating project, paper, or presentation on each quarter’s outside reading

1.      Provide basic information about what you are reading (title, author, genre).
Keep track of how many pages you read each week, note how much you read in class, and provide a current total for the quarter. 

2.      Include your signature and a parent’s signature, signifying that the info you provide is accurate.


Describe          or briefly summarize what you have read over the past two weeks.
Consider:         What is happening at this point in your reading?  
What have you learned or discovered in this section of your reading?
How have these developments affected the characters, relationships, situation, OR your understanding of the issues presented within your reading?


Reflect            on what you have read over the past two weeks.
Consider:         What do you think about what you have read?
                        Has your recent reading fulfilled your expectations?
                        What do you expect for your continued reading?
                        How satisfied are you with what you have read?
Add:                Any concerns, questions, additional comments on this reading:


Copy               a passage of 1–4 sentences that you believe to be significant or   
                        representative of the  reading, or that is otherwise meaningful to you.    
                        INCLUDE PAGE #
Explain            What does this passage reveal about the book – its theme, focus,      
In what way(s) does this passage trouble / intrigue / delight / frustrate / reward / challenge you as a reader?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bio Poem


Relative of Louise, David and Amy
Resident of Serbia
Who likes Steak, Friends and books
Who reads The Huger Games, Gone, Artemies and Micheal Morpurgo
Who loves my family, my friends and my House
Who wishes for a cleaner world, world peace and open mindedness
Who needs a quiet place, company and a book
Who aspires to Nelson Mandela and Dad 
